"Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition" Steve Job-Apple founder

Friday, December 30, 2011

Wealthier China Helps Keep Food Prices High

Residents in prospering nation eating more meat

Don't expect food prices to come down much in 2012, experts say.

While the reasons behind today's high food prices are complex, one nation - China - has an oversized influence on global markets. China's three decades of breathtaking economic growth has fueled a remarkable rise in prosperity in the world's most populous nation.

But what's been good news for China is bad news for many others connected to the global food economy.

Rising prosperity, changing diets

Experts say the first thing people do when they rise out of poverty is improve their diets. That means more meat and animal products.

A few decades ago, meat was a luxury in China. Food was strictly rationed until the 1980s.

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences economist Zhu Ling recalls eating meat only once or twice a month when she was growing up. “Only during Chinese New Year could we get 250 grams of pork each," she says.

But that changed after Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms in the 1980s, which set the stage for China’s miraculous growth.

“This was an era of change and improvement in food consumption," she says. "Basically, apart from vegans, everybody, every family has seen an increase in meat and seafood consumption.”

Chinese pork consumption has more than doubled since 1990, and chicken consumption is up five-fold.

Feeding animals that feed people

Livestock need to eat, too. Feeding those rapidly growing herds and flocks has quickly made China the world’s most voracious consumer of soybeans.

“Ten, 15 years ago China imported virtually no soybeans at all," says to U.S. Department of Agriculture analyst Hui Jiang. "Since the mid-1990s, Chinese imports have grown drastically, to today dominating over half of the total world trade in soybeans.”

The impacts are felt around the world.

“This has been positive for American agriculture,” says Maryland farmer Dave Burrier.

Soybean grower have seen the price of their crop nearly double since Beijing entered the market. Last year, China imported one out of every four soybeans grown in the United States.

Increasing competition

Demand for soybeans has also helped fuel economic growth in Brazil and Argentina, which now compete with the U.S. for the world soy market.

China's tremendous demand helps push prices up - and not just for soybeans.

All crops need land to grow on. “That puts competition on crops like corn and other crops as well," says Jiang. And competition for farmland is also helping increase the cost of food.

And prices are expected to stay high in part because China is not done growing. Its expanding middle class is projected to more than triple this decade, "and its food expenditure is expected to double in the same timeframe," Jiang says.

"Its impact on demand cannot be overstated,” she adds.

Growth in the developing world

But it’s not just China. People in India, Brazil and other emerging economies are also growing wealthier and eating better. Plus, the world is expected to add another two billion people by mid-century.

That’s good news for farmers like Burrier. “I really think that because of the population increase that we’ll continue to have tremendous demand,” he says.

But for consumers, food prices will likely remain high until supply can catch up with that tremendous demand.

North Korea Warns No Policy Changes Under New Leader

One of the magazines at a newspaper stand in Beijing highlights North Korea's new leader Kim Jong Un, December 30, 2011.
Photo: AP
One of the magazines at a newspaper stand in Beijing highlights North Korea's new leader Kim Jong Un, December 30, 2011.
For the first time, North Korea is referring to the late Kim Jong Il's son as its "Great Leader." Kim Jong Un, who is in his late 20's, is assuming leadership of the impoverished and reclusive country following his father's death, said to have occurred on December 17. The North is also sending a clear message, especially to the South, that it will be business as usual in Pyongyang.

Just a day after ending an official period of mourning, North Korea wasted no time bluntly telling the world not to expect any policy changes from Pyongyang.

The National Defense Commission issued a statement. It admonishes what it called "foolish politicians around the world" - especially those in South Korea - not to expect any change from the North.

The statement was broadcast for 11 minutes at noon Friday on North Korean television. It reverted to a very tough tone about South Korea and its leader. President Lee Myung-bak is termed the head of a traitor group whose "evil misdeeds" have climaxed by failing to allow Koreans in the South to pay their final respects to Kim Jong Il.

The announcer, reading the statement, calls South Korea's president "clueless" when it comes to policy regarding the North. She says North Korea will shun his administration forever.

Georgetown University professor Balbina Hwang, a former State Department adviser on Korean policy, notes this is tough rhetoric, even by North Korean standards.

"The tenor, the sheer vitriol in the language that is used and in the tone of which, this sort of raging, specifically about South Korea and President Lee Myung-bak, it is a bit unusual," said Hwang.

Hwang says she views this as reflecting a sense of insecurity in North Korea's powerful National Defense Commission.

"I don't think any institution that does feel secure in its own power would feel the necessity to come out with such strong language and in such an intense way," she said.

Although President Lee has taken a harder line with the North than his two predecessors, in recent months he had been signaling a more flexible approach toward Pyongyang.

Whether that will still be the case, with the Kim Jong Un era beginning in North Korea, will likely be revealed in Seoul on Monday.

That is when President Lee delivers his New Year's address. Officials at the presidential Blue House tell say that it will, in great part, be devoted to his outlook on the future of inter-Korean relations.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Radiant Kate Middleton Stuns in Magenta on Christmas Day

Celebrity News December 25, 2011 AT 10:46AM
Radiant Kate Middleton Stuns in Magenta on Christmas DayCredit: Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Merry in magenta!
Duchess Kate certainly looked festive on Christmas day! She wowed passersby Sunday in a plum-colored coat and coordinating hat as she joined Prince William, Harry, Charles and Camilla for church services in Sandringham, Norfolk.
PHOTOS: 2011's best royal moments
Queen Elizabeth, 85, took a car to and from church services. Her husband Prince Philip, 90, underwent emergency surgery Friday to treat a blocked coronary artery.
PHOTOS: Harry's hottest moments
On Saturday, members of the royal family visited Philip in the hospital. Buckingham Palace officials issued an update, saying he had "a good night" following his procedure and was in "good spirits."
PHOTOS: Look back at William and Harry as kids
The royal family is planning to spend Christmas day at the Queen's Sandringham estate.
PHOTOS: Pippa's fabulous fall style
Pippa Middleton, 28, will join her sister and the royal family on Boxing Day (Dec. 26). Then Kate, William and Pippa will travel together to the Middleton family's home in Bucklebury.

Christmas Day Bombings Sweep Nigeria, At Least 39 Dead

A victim is tended to by medics in an ambulance following a blast at a Catholic church near Nigeria's capital Abuja, December 25, 2011.
Photo: AP
A victim is tended to by medics in an ambulance following a blast at a Catholic church near Nigeria's capital Abuja, December 25, 2011.

It was a bloody Christmas in Nigeria where at least four bomb blasts killed 39 people, including dozens at a Catholic church near Abuja.

The radical Islamic group Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sinful," claimed responsibility for what appeared to have been coordinated attacks.

The deadliest bombing took place near Saint Theresa Catholic Church in Madalla, where worshipers celebrated a Christmas Day mass. Angry youths, furious at the bloodshed, set up burning barricades near the church, prompting police to fire shots into the air.

Another bomb exploded near an evangelical Christian church in the central city of Jos, where clashes between Muslims and Christians are frequent. Officials say a police officer guarding the area was fatally shot around the time of the explosion.

In the northeastern state of Yobe, residents in Gadaka say a bomb blew up near a church during Christmas services. There were no immediate reports of deaths. A fourth attack took place in the Yobe capital of Damaturu, where a car bomb killed three near secret police headquarters.

World leaders condemned the violence. The White House called it senseless terrorism, while a Vatican spokesman said the blasts were acts of "blind hatred." United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said "no objective ... can justify" the attacks. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the bombings were "cowardly" and Italy's Foreign Minister Guido Terzi condemned them as "vile."

Nigeria has struggled with a wave of violence centered in the country's north, where government security forces are battling Boko Haram.

The group has said it wants to establish an Islamic state in northern Nigeria and does not recognize the government or the country's constitution.

The country of 150 million is about evenly divided between Muslims, who mostly live in the north, and Christians who dominate in the south.

Authorities say violence in and around the cities of Maiduguri and Damaturu has killed at least 68 people over the past few days.

Hundreds of others have died this year in bombings and shootings blamed on Boko Haram.

In Jos, thousands of people have died in recurring bouts of Muslim-Christian violence over the past decade. The city sits in Nigeria's Middle Belt, where the mostly Muslim north meets the mainly Christian south.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

Mutual Funds and Capital Gains

Calculating Capital Gains on Mutual Fund Shares

By , About.com Guide


Mutual Funds and Capital Gains

You will need to calculate capital gains on each share of the fund you are selling. If you have invested in a fund over a period of time, then you will have different cost basis for your initial investment, additional investments, and any purchases made through reinvested dividends. Each investment has its own cost basis and its own holding period.

Capital Gains Distributions

Mutual funds often sell profitable investments at certain times throughout the year. The funds then distribute the profits to shareholders in the form of a capital gain distribution. Capital gains distributions are reported on Form 1099-DIV, which shows dividends and capital gains distributions paid throughout the year. Capital gains distributions are taxed at long-term capital gains tax rates, no matter how long you have personally owned shares in the mutual fund. Capital gain distributions can be reported directly on Form 1040 if you have no other capital gains to report. Otherwise, capital gain distributions are reported on Schedule D along with your other gains and losses.

Capital Gains When Selling Mutual Fund Shares

You will calculate your capital gain or loss for every mutual fund share you are selling. If you have invested in a fund over a period of time, you will have a different cost basis and different holding period for each share you own. The IRS allows you to use four different accounting methods for calculating your gain. You can use the method which is most advantageous to you. However, once you choose your accounting method for a particular mutual fund, you must stick with that method. You can choose different accounting methods for each mutual fund you own. The four allowable accounting methods are:
  • Actual cost basis using specific identification,
  • Actual cost basis using first-in, first-out identification,
  • Average cost basis, single-category method, and
  • Average cost basis, double-category method

Specific Identification of Mutual Fund Cost Basis

The specific identification method of accounting is the preferred method for savvy investors. You will need to keep track of each lot of shares you buy and sell. Moreover, your broker must allow you to sell specific shares. This option is usually provided with a mutual fund company's cost basis tracking service.Specific identification enables the investor to choose which shares to sell for the greatest possible tax benefit. An investor may want to sell the most profitable shares to offset other losses, or may want to sell the least profitable shares to minimize the capital gains tax.

First-In, First-Out Method of Identification

Even if the shareholder cannot specific particular shares to sell, the actual cost basis method can still be used. You keep track of your cost basis for every lot of shares you buy. When calculating your gain, you assume that the first shares sold are the first shares you bought.

Average Cost Basis, Single Category Method

You calculate your average cost basis based on the price paid for each share you bought, including any reinvested dividends and reinvested capital gains. The average cost basis is the total purchase price of all shares divided by the number of shares owned. When you sale some shares, it is assumed the shares are sold on a first-in, first-out basis. Your capital gain is calculated using the holding period of the oldest shares being sold, even if you are selling a mixture of long-term and short-term shares.

Average Cost Basis, Double Category Method

You calculate your average cost basis based on the price paid for each lot of shares you bought, including any reinvested dividends and reinvested capital gains. However, you must separate your shares into long-term and short-term investments, and then calculate average cost basis for each category of shares. The average cost basis is the total purchase price of all shares of the same category divided by the number of shares owned in that category. When you sale some shares, it is assumed the shares are sold on a first-in, first-out basis.

Reinvested Dividends and Capital Gains Distributions

Many investors re-invest dividends and capital gains distributions received from their mutual funds. Each reinvestment is both a cash distribution and an additional fund purchase. The dividends and capital gains distributions are included taxable income. The additional shares purchased in the reinvestment have their own cost basis (the purchase price of the shares) and their own holding period.

Tracking Mutual Fund Cost Basis

Tracking your cost basis can be a time-consuming task. I highly recommend using Quicken or Microsoft Money to keep track of your capital gains.

IRS Information

IRS Publication 564, Mutual Fund Distributions, contains in-depth information about the tax aspects of investing in mutual funds.

Figuring Cost Basis When Reporting Sale of Stocks

Every year I get tons of brokerage statements from clients, and I need to prepare an accurate calculation of their gain or loss on a Schedule D. Here's some reminders about the information you need for computing your capital gains.First, please bring your brokerage statements from when you bought the stock. This is very important, and not every brokerage firm will keep track of this information for you.
Second, accountants cannot make up numbers for you. It's up to you to search through your records to find your investment information.
Third, a gentle reminder on how to calculate your gain or loss. The formula is Selling Price minus Cost Basis. And the formula for Cost Basis is purchase price (cost per share times number of shares) plus purchase costs (commissions) plus selling costs (commissions).
If you are preparing your taxes, or just need some extra time to make sure you have received all your tax documents, then file an extension today. Filing an extension takes about five minutes of your time, but you get an extra four months to finishup your tax return

September 3, 2008 at 1:26 pm
(1) Tay says:
Thank-you very much for this. So if I bought at different times at different prices, then I add all of those up as my cost basis if I sold everything or is it share-to-share? And if I didn’t sell off the entire position, which price do I use since the stock was bought on different date/prices?
September 3, 2008 at 7:47 pm
(2) taxes says:
You can take a look at the methods for figuring cost basis in a mutual fund for an overview of the different methods used to calculate your cost basis. For stocks, the difference is that we use either the specific identification method (which I prefer). If that’s not possible, then we use the first-in, first-out method. For more detailed information, see Publication 550, chapter 4.
November 11, 2008 at 3:57 pm
(3) Erica says:
I inherited stock in ‘88 and made mistakes every year since ‘00 after my divorce. My broker cannot do cost basis because they didn’t track it. How would I find out?
November 17, 2008 at 4:13 pm
(4) William Perez says:
Erica, your cost basis in the stock is the value of that stock on the day that the person from whom you inherited the stock died. Any dividends that were reinvested will increase your basis. There are historical stock price databases, especially at Yahoo Finance and at Big Charts.


Mutual Fund Capital Gains Distributions

When Gains Are Not Good

From , former About.com Guide
Did you ever dream you might get taxed on shares of Microsoft that were purchased at the IPO? You didn’t buy shares of Microsoft at the IPO, you say? Maybe not, but if you own a mutual fund that purchased the stock at the IPO and they sell it while you own shares of the fund, you might be on the hook for paying tax on a portion of the gain.

Mutual Fund Distributions

Each year, generally in the last couple of months of the year, mutual fund shareholders face the possibility of receiving capital gains distributions from their mutual funds. Don’t be fooled by the capital gains distributions. These are not gains of the good sort.
These capital gains distributions are the result of the fund selling shares, such as with the Microsoft IPO as described above. If the fund manager decides to sell a stock due to the changing outlook for the stock, or even if the fund must simply raise cash for shareholder redemptions (if a shareholder sells shares of the fund), if the stock is trading higher than when the fund initially purchased it, the fund must distribute at least 95% of the gains to shareholders.
The capital gains distribution is taxable to the fund shareholders unless the fund is owned in a tax-deferred account (IRA, 401k, etc.).
For example, let's say XYZ Mutual Fund purchased 100,000 shares of a stock 20 years ago for $1. The fund sells the 100,000 shares today for $50, which results in a long-term capital gain of $49 per share. The fund must distribute the gains to current shareholders and the shareholders must report the gain on their tax return.

What Is the Economic Value of the Distribution?

While it might seem like a positive to receive a capital gains distribution, there is actually no positive economic value to the distribution.
For instance, looking further at the XYZ Mutual Fund distribution:
  • You own 1,000 shares of the XYZ Mutual Fund. The fund has a net asset value (NAV) of $10 per share. Your investment in the fund equals $10,000.
  • The total value of your holding in the fund is $10,000 (1,000 shares at $10 per share) and you reinvest all capital gains and dividends.
  • The fund distributes long-term capital gains as described in the previous example. The long-term capital gain upon the sale of stock in the previous example is 10% of the fund’s total net asset value or $1 per share.
  • Shareholders of record on the record date will receive $1 for each share they own and the NAV of the fund will be reduced by $1 on the ex-dividend date.
  • As a result, you receive $1,000, which is automatically reinvested in the fund.
  • Assuming no change in the market value, you still own $10,000 of the fund.
How? The fund’s NAV was reduced to $9 by the capital gains distribution of $1 and you reinvested the gain to give you a total of 1,111.11 shares ($1,000 reinvested in at the new NAV of $9 buys 111.11 shares). If you did not reinvest the gain, you would have 1,000 shares at $9 and $1,000 cash. Either way, you have $10,000.
As previously mentioned, these capital gains distributions result in a tax bill if you own mutual funds in a taxable account. Retirement plans (IRAs, 401ks, etc.) are not impacted by capital gains distributions. Keep in mind, the reinvestment of the gains is added to your cost basis -- reducing your taxable gain when the fund is eventually sold.
If you own mutual funds in a taxable account you may want to focus on low-turnover funds, which include index funds and tax-efficient mutual funds (even some actively managed funds have low turnover). Otherwise, you should consider visiting your fund company’s website beginning in October of each year to determine if and when there will be capital gains distributions.
If the distributions are anticipated to be large, you should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of owning the fund. Indeed, you may want to sell the fund in order to avoid the distribution. If you sell the fund to avoid the distribution, be aware that if you buy the fund back within 30 days (either in your taxable account or in your IRA), you will run afoul of IRS wash sales rules.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Obama Presses House on Payroll Tax Cut Extension

Posted Thursday, December 22nd, 2011 at 2:50 pm
U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to increase pressure on the Republican-led House of Representatives to pass a bill extending a payroll tax cut by two months.
Mr. Obama said Thursday he is ready to sign the bill into law as soon as it lands on his desk. He said expiration of the tax cut at the end of the year would result in the loss of about $40 per paycheck to the average worker.
The Obama administration on Tuesday invited citizens to send emails to the White House saying what that $40 loss would mean to them. Mr. Obama said Thursday that some 30,000 people have responded so far, indicating the high level of public interest in the bill. Their answers included new shoes, heating oil, fuel for the car, and dinners out with loved ones.
Mr. Obama said it is time for House members to listen to those voices. And he noted that, earlier in the day, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called for passage of the bill as well.
The Senate passed the bill last week by a wide margin, but on Tuesday the House rejected it. House Republican leaders are pushing for an alternate proposal that would extend the tax cut by a year.
In a statement, McConnell said the House should pass the bill and Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid should appoint members to work with House negotiators on a long-term bill.
The White House says 160 million Americans will see their taxes go up by about $1,000 a year if the House fails to pass the tax cut extension by the end of the year, while about two million out-of-work Americans will lose their unemployment insurance.

North Korea's Power Couple Are Key in Leadership Transition

Undated picture shows Jang Song-taek, a member of North Korea's National Defence Commission, and uncle of Kim Jong Un.
Photo: Reuters
Undated picture shows Jang Song-taek, a member of North Korea's National Defence Commission, and uncle of Kim Jong Un.

The sudden death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il has focused world attention on the North Korean dictator's inexperienced son and designated successor, Kim Jong Un. The success of the transition process now underway, though, may depend even more on the younger Kim's uncle and aunt, Jang Song Taek and Kim Kyong Hui.

As Kim Jong Il's health declined following an apparent stroke in 2008, he promoted his sister and her husband to powerful positions to boost their influence over the fate of his family dynasty.

Kim began by naming his brother-in-law, Jang Song Taek, as vice chairman of North Korea's supreme leadership body in 2009. The 65-year-old's promotion to the National Defense Commission post effectively made him number two in North Korea's hierarchy.

Kim later appointed his sister and only surviving sibling, Kim Kyong Hui, as a four-star general in September 2010. She also frequently accompanied him on trips around the country.

The late dictator also made his youngest son a four-star general last year, a sign that he was preparing Kim Jong Un to succeed him. But, the younger Kim, who is in his late 20s, lacks experience to run the country without help, especially from his uncle and aunt.

Choi Jin-wook, a director of North Korea studies at the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul, said Kim Jong Un cannot become the official leader until he is named to several posts held by his late father.

"He has to take positions of Kim Jong Il, for example, chairman of the National Defense Commission, and chairman of central military committee in the party, and supreme commander of Korean People's Army," said Choi.

Choi told VOA that Kim Jong Il's relatives and the military endorsed the transition, but had little choice.

"There is no rationale for them to challenge Kim Jong Un's succession process," he said. "They have to do it. If they challenge this power transition, they have to take the risk of their life," said Choi.

Choi said he expects North Korea's elite to implement the transition within the coming year in the hope of ensuring their survival at the helm of the impoverished and isolated nation.

He said Jang Song Taek will be a key adviser to his nephew during the succession, while Kim Kyong Hui is likely to play a different role.

"Kim Kyong Hui, the aunt, is much, much closer to Kim Jong Un," he said. "So I think Kim Jong Un is going to be more comfortable with his aunt rather than uncle. So, Kim Kyong Hui can play a role to communicate between the uncle and his nephew."

Mike Kulma, a Korea specialist with the Asia Society in New York, said Kim Jong Un's uncle and aunt are likely to shield the younger Kim from potential rivals as the transition unfolds.

"Having his uncle be a vice chairman of the National Defense Commission, making his aunt into a more prominent position is a way perhaps to protect him going forward, as opposed to challenge him, and to prevent perhaps others from trying to challenge him," he said.

But Christopher Hill, a former U.S. ambassador to South Korea, said the uncle may not remain a protector of the younger Kim for long.

"You could also imagine Jang Sung Taek emerging, not so much as a mentor to Kim Jong Un, but rather as a rival to Kim Jong Un," he said. "After all, Jang Sung Taek has been at this game a long time, he knows a lot, so his willingness to kind of explain this to his rather underwhelming nephew might tax him more than he is prepared to accept."

Choi of the Korea Institute for National Unification agreed a power struggle cannot be ruled out once the succession is complete. He said such a struggle could trigger mass demonstrations and even a coup.

Buzzy Noodle from Japan Boasts Zero Carbs, Zero Calories

Photo: Getty images
Photo: Getty images
'Tis the season for over indulgence, but soon visions of sugar plums will be crowded out by New Year's resolutions to cut calories and lose the cookie belly. Is it possible to have your cake, or at least your pasta, and eat it too?

Related: Miracle diet drug in the works. For real this time?

Shirataki noodles from Japan contain zero calories and zero carbs and are gaining a following amongst flab fighters around the country as a miracle alternative to traditional pasta. Lisa Lillien, who writes the popular "Hungry Girl" newsletter, is one of the product's biggest boosters in the United States and endorses the variety made by House of Foods brand.

The noodles, which come in lots of familiar shapes such as spaghetti, angel hair, and fettuccini, are made of water and fiber from a plant called konjac yam instead of from wheat flour. They are naturally calorie- and carb-free, because the fiber they contain is not absorbed by the body. Tofu shirataki, a type made from soybeans and yam flour has about 20 calories and three grams of carbohydrates per serving.

But how do they actually taste? I boiled some up and tossed with a modest glug of olive oil and sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. The eyes play a big role in our enjoyment of food, and the fettuccine variety looked delicious. The flavor was a little less decadent (let's be realistic though, we're talking calorie-free yam fiber and water, not cheese grits).

If you are craving a true, Italian-style pasta, the texture of shirataki might be disappointing. They have a slightly gelatinous mouth feel similar to an Asian rice noodle. They work well in soups where they make a good substitute for egg noodles or you can pat dry with paper towels and stir-fry. The flavor is completely neutral so, if the texture is not off putting, they pair with almost any sauce. Shirataki are also a snap to cook. The noodles are packaged in plastic bags suspended in liquid: just rinse and boil for 2-3 minutes before using.

But, you can't survive on shirataki-no calories or carbs also means no nutritive food value. And, if you are not used to eating a lot of fiber, try a small serving first, or you risk gastric upset (there is a good reason that they are referred to as a "broom for the stomach" in Japan). Shirataki are inexpensive and available in the refrigerator section of a growing number of stores, including Asian markets, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe's. For hardcore calorie- and carb-counters, they are worth a try.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Philippines Flood Death Toll Nears 1,000

Policemen search for missing Typhoon Washi victims in a subdivision in Iligan city, southern Philippines. Disaster agencies on Monday rushed to deliver body bags, food, water, and medicine to crowded
Photo: Reuters
Policemen search for missing Typhoon Washi victims in a subdivision in Iligan city, southern Philippines. Disaster agencies on Monday rushed to deliver body bags, food, water, and medicine to crowded evacuation centers in the southern Philippines as officials considered digging mass graves for hundreds killed in weekend flash floods, December 19, 2011.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino declared a state of national calamity on Tuesday, as authorities work to recover the bodies of those killed by flash floods on the southern island of Mindanao.

Disaster agency officials said Tuesday that 957 people have died so far as a result of the floods which began in the early hours of Saturday, while 49 others remain missing.

Officials said most of the damage was done in the southern port cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, where mass graves are being prepared for hundreds of unidentified victims.

Sarah Williams interview with Richard Gordon, chairman of the Philippine Red Cross:

Iligan City Mayor Lawrence Cruz told the Reuters news agency the mass graves are necessary to prevent the spread of disease as a result of the decomposing bodies.

"We have decided, after consultation with our city health officer, that we should start digging graves for the bodies and bury them temporarily because they are already in an advanced state of decomposition," he stated. "People nearby might get sick if we do not bury the bodies.'

Officials have also reported a shortage of water and food at the island's overcrowded, makeshift evacuation centers. Almost 50,000 people who lost their homes remain in public shelters.

The flooding was caused by tropical storm Washi, which swept through the southern Philippines Friday evening, dropping a month's worth of rain in 24 hours.

Romeo Lozano, a farmer who reportedly saved 200 lives, told the Associated Press how people escaped the fury of the floods by rushing to his house rooftop. "If I had not opened our gate, many people would have died because they were already waiting and wanted to go upstairs. When I opened it, they all rushed to go inside our house, there is a roof top and we were all safe there. 200 of them, mostly children and elderly," he said.

About 143,000 people were affected in 13 southern and central provinces.

The Office of Civil Defense says some 7,000 houses were swept away, destroyed or damaged.

2011 Federal Tax Credits for Consumer Energy Efficiency

NOTE: Tax credits that were 30% up to $1,500 EXPIRED on December 31, 2010. New tax credits were passed, but at lower levels. Summary of changes.
Please note, not all ENERGY STAR qualified products qualify for a tax credit. ENERGY STAR distinguishes energy efficient products which, although they may cost more to purchase than standard models, will pay you back in lower energy bills within a reasonable amount of time, without a tax credit.

What You Need to Know

What is included in the Tax Credit?

Tax Credit:
10% of cost up to $500 or a specific amount from $50 - $300
December 31, 2011
Must be an existing home & your principal residence. New construction and rentals do not qualify.

Tax Credit:
30% of cost with no upper limit
December 31, 2016
Existing homes & new construction qualify. Both principal residences and second homes qualify. Rentals do not qualify.

Tax Credit:
Credit Details: 30% of the cost, up to $500 per .5 kW of power capacity
December 31, 2016
Existing homes & new construction qualify. Must be your principal residence. Rentals and second homes do not qualify.