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Monday, November 14, 2011

Immediate Annuity?

Should You Buy An Immediate Annuity?

by Erik Carter

When it comes to planning for retirement, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about how to save and invest for retirement, but what about how we will eventually turn that nest egg into income? Isn't that the whole point of having retirement savings? The challenge is that it's becoming increasingly difficult to make sure that our money lasts as long as we do. For a 65-year old couple, there's currently a 25% chance that either the husband or the wife will live past the age of 97. Considering that people are living longer and longer with advances in medical technology, you could spend more years in retirement than you did working.
One possible solution that's gaining more interest is purchasing an immediate annuity, in which we give up a lump sum of money to an insurance company in exchange for a guaranteed monthly income for as long as we live. It's like buying your own pension. Many companies are offering this as an option to retiring employees, whether from their existing retirement plan provider or from a selection of insurance companies. In fact, I recently received a question from an employee planning to retire next year who was wondering if it was a good deal for him. Let's take a look at some things to consider:
What percentage of your retirement portfolio do you need for income? Add up all of your projected expenses in retirement and subtract from that number all your expected after-tax income in retirement like Social Security, pensions, rental income, etc. What's left is how much you'll need to withdraw from your savings each year after taxes. Financial advisers typically recommend that you can sustainably withdraw no more than 4% of your retirement portfolio each year as income so if you need to withdraw more that that, an annuity can provide income without the risk of depleting your account. On the other hand, if you need less than 4%, you're probably better off investing the money for income. After all, annuity companies have to pay out less than they take in on average in order to cover their expenses and make a profit. Like with all insurance, get the protection that you need but no more.
Does the annuity offer inflation protection? That 4% rule assumes you'll be increasing your withdrawals each year to keep pace with inflation. However, most annuities don't adjust their payments with inflation. That could be a real problem down the line, especially with the prospect of rising inflation rates. Retirees may particularly need inflation protection since they tend to spend more of their income on things that tend to rise faster than inflation like medical care and less on things that tend to rise slower than inflation like technology. Of course, the downside of choosing an annuity with inflation protection is that your payments will be lower now but it could be worth it in the long run.
Are you a conservative or aggressive investor? You can take this questionnaire to find out. The more conservative you are, the more an annuity makes sense for two reasons. First, a conservative portfolio isn't likely to grow as much so you're giving up less in returns. Second, if you're conservative, you'll probably really appreciate the fact that you won't have to worry about the ups and downs of the market since it won't affect your income.
What's your life expectancy? Unlike with other types of policies, insurance companies don't generally examine your health and lifestyle when you purchase an annuity. Instead, they usually just look at your age and gender. That means if your life expectancy is above average for your age and gender, you're likely to end up ahead with an annuity and vice versa. We all like to think of ourselves as above average but you can get a more objective estimation of your life expectancy at livingto100.com along with some tips to improve it.
Do you have dependents? A single life annuity dies with you when you eventually kick the bucket. If you have a spouse or someone else who depends on your income, you may want to get a joint annuity instead. When you pass away, a joint annuity would pay all or some of your annuity payments to your beneficiary for as long as they live. The catch is that the larger the percentage of your annuity that your beneficiary gets and the younger your beneficiary is, the more your payments will be reduced. You're also limited to one beneficiary and can't change the person once the payments start. Even if you re-marry, your ex-spouse would still be the beneficiary. For these reasons, you might want to consider getting a single life annuity and using the higher payments to purchase life insurance for your dependent(s).
How much should you keep outside the annuity? One of the biggest downsides of annuities is that you generally can't get back any of your money once you purchase it so you'll want to keep some cash on hand for emergencies and for any big purchases you may want to make like a car or vacation home. If you have a long term care insurance policy, be sure to have at least enough cash in an emergency fund to cover the elimination period before the insurance policy kicks in.
How secure is the insurance company? All these guarantees are only as good as the ability of the insurance company to make good on them. You can check the company's ratings but even a stellar rating is no guarantee the company won't go belly up. While annuities are not FDIC-insured like banks, the good news is that most state's have guarantee associations to help pay claims of insurance companies in financial distress. The bad news is that each state has a limit on how much of each policy they'll be liable for. To be safe, you may want to spread your money around and put no more than the maximum amount your state will cover with any one insurance company.
Are you getting the best deal? You can roll your retirement plan into an annuity without paying taxes (although you do have to pay taxes on the annuity payments) so don't just go with whatever your retirement plan offers. Shop around to see which company will pay you the most and has the features and benefits you want. Be sure to take your time because once you make a selection, you can't go back.
As you can see, there are a lot of factors to consider when you come to this decision. Each case is different. Some people swear by them and others think they're a ripoff. The question is whether buying an annuity makes sense for you.
Erik Carter, JD, CFP is a resident financial planner at Financial Finesse.

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