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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why Buy Life Insurance? Your Questions Answered

image from effectivetimemanagementstrategy

Cutting costs and lowering your monthly bills is a practical way to save money. However, you should think twice before considering life insurance as one of those luxury items to cut. Have you decided not to buy life insurance because it is not a necessity for day-to-day living? You may be surprised to learn that the many benefits of life insurance outweigh the pennies you may save by not including life insurance as part of your regular financial planning
Do I really need to buy life insurance?
Have you asked yourself this question and then decided to hold off until you have extra income? Purchasing life insurance is the best way to protect your family now and in the future.  If you pass away, or become disabled, your life insurance policy will provide financial support for your loved ones. This is why life insurance is particularly important for families living on limited incomes. Ask yourself how your family would survive without your financial support.  If you are unable to answer this question, now is the time to invest in life insurance.
How do I find the right company?
Insurance provides many short and long-term benefits, to you and your dependents, and is an essential part of financial planning. Because life insurance it not something that you shop for on a regular basis, you may find the entire process to be a bit intimidating.  This is why it is a good idea to take advantage of sites like Efinancial. At Efinancial, we provide side-by-side comparisons of the most competitive policies available, from the top insurance providers. Our customers are able to shop from the comfort of home and determine which insurance company and policy is best suited to their needs.
How can I afford life insurance?
Life insurance can fit into any budget.  Regardless of your income, level of health, marital status or age life insurance is can protect those you love the most. For example, if you are the head of a household, you should consider how your dependants will pay your outstanding debts, afford college and handle your financial obligations if you pass away. The amount you will pay for your insurance policy is nominal compared to the pain and confusion your family would endure without your financial support. At Efinancial we provided life insurance rates with no obligation to buy. Request a quote today and learn just how affordable life insurance can be.
What type of insurance do I need?
There are plenty of options when it comes to life insurance coverage. For those looking for affordable coverage, term life insurance is a great option.  Term policies can be purchased for as little as 1 year and up to 30 years.  These plans pay a death benefit should the insurance holder passes away during the term of the policy.  Your heirs are able to use your death benefit to settle debts, cover final expenses, and more. Whole life coverage and mortgage life insurance also offer great protection.


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